To love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength;
To love our neighbors as ourselves;
To love our friends and enemies as we have been loved by Jesus, who did not count our wrongs against us, but endured death for the sake of our lives;
To persevere in faith, confess our wrongs to one another, and continually turn to God for grace, hope and life;
To join together in worship and prayer, the instruction of Scripture, the sharing of bread and cup, basin and towel,in witness by word and deed to God’s rule in Jesus Christ, nearby and across the earth, in discipleship to Jesus, growing together through the Spirit into the likeness of Christ, in caring service to one another and God’s world, according to our gifts in God’s Spirit;
To live together in fellowship,practicing mutual care through joy and sorrow as members of one another in Christ’s Body, giving and receiving counsel regularly to one another under God’s Holy Spirit, speaking truth in love and listening with patience and humility, under God’s living Word, offering and accepting forgiveness in Jesus, with mercy and generosity, to heal and reconcile, sharing God’s gifts entrusted to us, to relieve burdens, strengthen the weak, and live God’s call.